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VGI-front cover

French cartoonist and author René Bickel is happy to inform you that his famous book on Vaccination has been translated into English and is now available.

If the old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words“, is true, then “Vaccination : the Great Illusion”, has condensed a library of vaccine knowledge into 136 pages of delightful drawings.

French natural health promoter and cartoonist René Bickel reveals the hiddentruths behind the enslaving paradigm of vaccines which have poisoned our bodies and minds for over two centuries.

Both humorous and educational, René’s book pictures the manipulations and disinformation that prevail in the field of vaccination. After the scandals of mad cow disease, tainted blood, growth hormones, and “tobacco science”, it is time to expose the biggest scandal in the history of medicine by affirming the truth that vaccinations are dangerous and unnecessary.

The saga of vaccination parallels and is causally related to the increase in incidence and variety of diseases. The false paradigm of immunization by inoculation of poisons has been injected into our minds by the never-ending application of sophisticated strategies. Vaccination dogma is a major pillar of Big Pharma’s Empire which thrives thanks to mandated purchase and acceptance of vaccines.

Without the tiniest proof of efficiency in preventing any disease, vaccines are nonetheless pushed on most populations around the world through brainwashed and fear-driven media and legislation.

René Bickel’s unique approach to the 200+ year vaccination scam is effective in dissolving our collective hypnotic state imposed upon us by fear-mongers. By “injecting” humor into the currently heated vaccine debate, we are able to see the irony of putting our trust into a profession that makes $trillions on disease scare. Bickel’s book spans two centuries of relatively unknown vaccine history and includes key references for further research.

Putting this book into the hands of a friend or family member who still touts the perceived benefits of vaccination is the greatest gift you can give – the gift of empowering one to be responsible for their own healthcare needs.
A must read for everyone concerned with creating a healthy environment for themselves, their loved ones and society.

Please feel free to reference this book in your list of Recommended Readings if you have a weblog.
You may have a first look at the book’s content just below.
Please do not hesitate to contact us (at the end of this Post)

Warm regards,

René’s publishing team
Browse the Book
           You may visit René’s page

Get the Book
           You may get René’s Book from CreateSpace eStore
(as 1st choice) under similar terms as from Amazon, for you, but more beneficial for the Author (please check for yourself).

Here are a few sample cartoons taken from the Book :

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